Privacy Policy

Last updated: 30/05/24

The website you have entered (, its sub-domains, affiliated websites or applications, and any services available therefrom, including any mobile versions of the website or mobile applications) (the “Site”) is operated by Noise PR & Talent Group LTD (“Thasan Kankaivernian,” “we” or “us”). We respect your privacy rights and recognise the importance of protecting data collected from you and about you. This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) describes how we collect, use, share, and protect that data.

If you do not accept and agree with this Privacy Policy, you must stop using the Site immediately. Your continued use of the Site constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

Description of Users and Acceptance of Terms
This Privacy Policy applies to visitors to the Websites, who view only publicly-available content (“Visitors”), and users who register with us (“Registered Users”) and wish to purchase a product or service through one of our Websites.

By visiting any of our Websites, Visitors are agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the accompanying Terms of Use. By registering with us and purchasing a product or service through one of our Websites, each Registered User is agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the accompanying Terms of Use.

By providing us information offline, you are also agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Capitalised terms not defined in this Privacy Policy shall have the meaning set forth in our Terms of Use and the Terms and Conditions of Purchase.

GDPR and Privacy Shield Notice
Natural persons located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) should review the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and Privacy Shield Notice here.

In addition, the Privacy Shield Notice should be reviewed if your personal information is transferred from the EEA or Switzerland to the US, pursuant to the EU-U.S. or Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield.

The Information We Collect/or Receive; the Purpose of Collection and Use
In the course of operating the Websites and/or interacting with you, we will collect (and/or receive) the following types of information.

1. Contact Information.
When you sign up to receive any of our newsletters, respond to a survey, register for a class, purchase any product or service, or sign up to become our affiliate partner, you may be required to provide us with certain information about yourself, such as your name, address, e-mail address, address, social media information, phone number, PayPal address (only if you sign up to become our affiliate partner), and SSN#/Tax ID# (only if you sign up to become our affiliate partner) (the “Contact Information”). The Contact Information is used to provide the requested product or service or information and to contact you for purposes of direct marketing of our current and future products and services. If you land on one of our pages through an affiliate partner link and provide us Contact Information (e.g., to request information, purchase a product or service), we may share your name and e-mail address with such affiliate partner to let him/her know that you were referred and in case (s)he has offered you any bonuses or rewards for following their referral link. We have no control over how affiliate partners may use your information after it has been received and we are not responsible for fulfilling any bonuses that such affiliate partners may have offered you; where applicable, please check such affiliate partners’ privacy policies and terms of use for more information on how they may use your personal information.

2. Order Information.
When you place an Order, you must provide us with certain information about the products and services you are seeking to purchase. Such information is collectively called the “Order Information.” The Order Information is used to fulfil your Order.

3. Billing Information.
When you wish to purchase a product or service, you will be required to provide certain information in addition to the Personal Information and Order Information noted above. Such information may include a debit card number, credit card number, expiration date, billing address, activation codes, and similar information. Such information is collectively called the “Billing Information.” Billing Information is collected and processed by our third-party payment processor operating as our agent (see, Onward Transfers to Third Parties). We do not directly obtain or process any Billing Information.

4. Other Information.
In addition to the information noted above, we may collect additional information (collectively, the “Other Information”). Such Other Information may include:
a. From You. Additional information about yourself that you voluntarily provide to us (e.g., via a survey), such as household income range, gender, product and service preferences, and other information that does not identify you personally.
b. From Your Activity. Information that we automatically collect when you use the Websites, including, without limitation:

– IP addresses, which may consist of a static or dynamic IP address and will sometimes point to a specific identifiable computer or device;
– browser type and language;
– referring and exit pages and URLs;
– date and time;
– amount of time spent on particular pages;
– what sections of the Websites you visit; and
– similar data; and
– Information about your device, including the type of device; universally unique ID (“UUID”); advertising identifier (“IDFA”); MAC address; operating system and version (e.g., iOS, Android or Windows); carrier and country location; hardware and processor information (e.g., storage, chip speed, camera resolution, NFC enabled); network type (WiFi, 3G, 4G, LTE); and similar data.

c. From Cookies. Information that we collect using “cookie” technology. Cookies are small packets of data that a website stores on your computer’s or mobile device’s hard drive so that your computer will “remember” information about your visit. We may use both session cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them) to help us collect Other Information and to enhance your experience using the Websites. If you do not want us to place a cookie on your hard drive, you may be able to turn that feature off on your computer or mobile device. Please consult your Internet browser’s documentation for information on how to do this and how to delete persistent cookies. However, if you decide not to accept cookies from us, the Websites may not function properly.
d. Third-Party Analytics. We use third-party analytics services (such as Google Analytics) to evaluate your use of the Websites, compile reports on activity, collect demographic data, analyse performance metrics, and collect and evaluate other information relating to the Websites and mobile and Internet usage. These third parties use cookies and other technologies to help analyse and provide us the data. By accessing and using the Websites, you consent to the processing of data about you by these analytics providers in the manner and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Please be advised that if you opt out of any service, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Websites.

Below is a list of analytics providers that we use; however, such list may be subject to change based on how we wish to understand the user experience and we will endeavour to update it diligently. You may use the accompanying links to learn more about such providers and, if available, how to opt-out from their analytics collection.

– For Google Analytics, please visit:
– For Vimeo, please visit:

e. From Other Sources. We also may collect or receive information from third parties, such as Facebook and/or other third-party social media sites.

Information Collected by or Through Third-Party Advertisers/Re-marketers
We may share Other Information about you with third parties, including, but not limited to, advertising and re-marketing providers, or other brand partners, for purposes of personalising or otherwise understanding how you engage with ads or other content. These third parties may use cookies, pixel tags (also called web beacons or clear gifs), or other technologies to collect Other Information in furtherance of such purposes, including to tailor, target (i.e., behavioural, contextual, retargeting, and re-marketing), analyse, report on, and/or manage advertising campaigns or other initiatives. For example, when a browser visits a site, pixel tags enable us and these third-parties to recognise certain cookies stored within the browser to learn which ads or other content bring a user to a given site. In addition, we may receive Other Information from these third parties, including through their service providers, such as advertising identifiers, IP addresses, and post-conversion data.

Below is a list of advertising/re-marketing providers that we use; however, such list may be subject to change based on the campaigns that we run and we will endeavour to update it diligently. You may use the accompanying links to learn more about such providers and, if available, how to opt-out from their targeted ads or other personalisation features. Please note you will not necessarily be opted-out of advertising or content generally; you may still receive generic ads or content.

– For Facebook, please visit:
– For Twitter, please visit:
– For Google, please visit:

In addition, you may opt-out of interest-based advertising by participating providers by visiting and for details on how to do so.

Information Collected Through the Websites that is Not Covered by this Privacy Policy
You may post and/or share information, including but not limited to, comments using forums and other similar features available through the Websites.

None of the information that you provide through the use of these features is protected by this Privacy Policy. All such information is public

information and may be seen, collected, or used by anyone, including other users and visitors. We are not responsible for the information you choose to submit in these public forums.

Information Collected Through the Websites from Children
We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. Our Websites are not designed for or directed to children under the age of 18, and we do not intentionally collect Personal Information from children. If we discover that a child under the age of 18 has provided us with Personal Information, we will delete such information from our systems.

Onward Transfer to Third Parties
Like many businesses, we hire other companies to perform certain business-related services. We may disclose Personal Information and Other Information to certain types of third-party companies, but only to the extent needed to enable them to provide such services. Examples include, but are not limited to, payment processing, customer support services, data analytics, marketing assistance, email delivery, hosting services, and database management services.

Business Transfers
In the event of a merger, reorganisation, or sale of all or substantially all of our business, we may transfer all of your Personal Information and Other Information we have collected to the relevant third party.

Opt-Out for Email Marketing
You may opt-out at any time from the use of your Personal Information for email marketing purposes by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in an email from us. Please note that you cannot opt-out of receiving transactional emails related to your account with us or the Services.

Opt-Out for SMS Marketing
We will only contact you via SMS if you consent to giving us your mobile number and consent to being contacted via SMS through our Opt-In webform. We will NEVER share your data with any third parties. Your data will be protected at all times. You can choose to Unsubscribe / Opt-out of All communications via SMS by simply Replying STOP. 

How We Protect the Information
We take reasonable steps to protect the information collected via the Websites from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, no Internet or e-mail transmission is ever fully secure or error-free, so you should take special care in deciding what information you send to us this way.

Accessing and Modifying Information and Communication Preferences
If you have provided us any Personal Information, you may access, remove, review, and/or make changes to the same by following the instructions found on the Websites or emailing us at [email protected]. We will endeavour to respond to your request to access, modify, or delete your information within 30 days. Additionally, you may manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of any of our marketing emails. Registered Users cannot opt out of receiving transactional emails related to their account with us or the Services.

Changes to This Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is effective as of the date stated at the top of this document. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any such changes will be posted on the Websites. By accessing the Websites after we make any such changes to this Privacy Policy, you are deemed to have accepted such changes. Please refer back to this Privacy Policy on a regular basis.

How to Contact Us
If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [email protected].

Or write to us at:
Noise PR & Talent Group LTD
Company number 14492515
167-169 Great Portland Street, Fifth Floor, London, England, W1W 5PF